Lindsay Craswell

For those of you who have not already heard the news, I am sad to report that my Godmother, Lindsay Craswell, passed away last Saturday. It was very sudden and has come as a huge shock to my family.

Aunty Linds (as she was affectionately known to me) had no living family. She was a stalwart in my life since the day I was born, and one of my mothers greatest friends and confidants. A stubborn soul, she was immensely kind and truly one in a million. Her life revolved around her dogs, horses and those lucky enough to be called her friends.

Personally I owe her a huge amount in my life and I have extremely fond memories of my time spent in Somerset and on Exmoor with her over the years. Our family all live ‘up country’ now, so I will be back and forth over the coming weeks sorting out the arrangements, etc, and I will of course let everyone know about funeral details as and when.

In the meantime, thank you to everyone for their kind words and sympathies. I will leave my contact details at the village shop when I go, in case there are any concerns over the house.

Best wishes and much love to you all,

Hannah Vowles