
Click here to access Church and parish information, service times and contact details for All Saints’, Wootton Courtenay in the Church of England Diocese of Bath & Wells.

The Church of All Saints is at the centre of the village, both literally and metaphorically.  It is part of the Dunster Benefice of six parishes led by the Rector, the Reverend Caroline Ralph, and it is Wootton Courtenay’s focus for Christian worship around the ecclesiastical calendar.

There are additional special services for the major religious commemorations of Easter, Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas; and we also hold regular Songs of Praise services where the congregation are encouraged to choose their favourite hymns.  Coffee after services is very much part of the church programme, and everyone is welcome. The church is of course used for weddings and funerals, and more occasionally for community events like concerts and exhibitions.

The earliest parts of the church date from about 1250 (the register of vicars begins in 1311), but the majority is fifteenth or sixteenth century.  The age of the church brings its own special problems of upkeep, and the Parochial Church Council aims to maintain a regular programme of fund-raising events, often held in the village hall – these are generally popular with local residents and well supported.


Amanda Elliott:

Parish Church Council

Mike Hill (Treasurer)
Margaret Smith (Safeguarding)
Audrey Beach
Marcus Capel
Sue Scott


Our Parish takes all safeguarding issues very seriously. For safeguarding details, please see our diocesan website:

To speak to someone about safeguarding, please contact a member of the diocesan safeguarding team.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Andrew Duncan – 07736 903855 or 01749 588905
Diocesan Assistant Safeguarding Advisor – Helen Humphreys: 01749 685103

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