
Terms and Conditions for Individuals and Hall hirers

Anyone using or hiring the hall needs to download and read the documents below:

Documents should be addressed to:

The Chairman
Wootton Courtenay Village Hall
Roadway Lane,
Wootton Courtenay,
TA24 8RH


Instructions below

For full guidance on the new procedure, download and read this PDF or view the instructions below. If you need to make contact with the bookings administrator (Dee Binnie) please use the form on this page.

  1. To request a hall booking, follow this link: (or click the button above)
  2. You don’t need to log in, so ignore the ‘Login‘ and ‘Sign up‘ buttons at the top right of the screen (see top right, below).
  3. You will immediately see all of this month’s existing bookings displayed on a calendar, with today indicated in pale blue.
  4. To see earlier or later months use the ‘<‘ and ‘>‘ buttons towards the top left of the page (see ‘Change date‘ above)
  5. You can also switch to a Day or Week view using the button towards the top right of the page (see ‘Change view‘ above), if you prefer.

Starting a new booking

To request a booking, just click on the relevant day. (Even if you click on the wrong day, you can change it later.)

As soon as you click on the calendar, you should see the booking request form (an example is shown below). Most of the fields should be self-explanatory, but there are a few important points to note:

  1. After you enter your name, you are asked to specify who you are making the booking for. In most cases the answer is “A group, organisation or business“. (arrow 1) You then see an additional prompt to enter the group name, and if you are booking on behalf of a club (for example) please enter the club name here (arrow 1, below)
  2. Each time you make a booking please provide an email address and phone number for us to contact you. (arrow 2 below)
  3. The first time you make a booking, or if you are booking as an individual please complete section 3.
  4. For the main part of any event please describe the activity or purpose in box 4.
  5. Box 5 says “Your booking request must include any time needed for setting up and clearing up before and after the event.”
    • If you only need minimal setting up time (e.g. for laying out bowls mats) then please ignore this.
    • If extensive setup time is required please book the time you need separately and state in box 4 that this is “setup or clear down time for my event“. Setup and clear down is free to Wootton Courtenay residents – for anyone else please contact the hall administrator via this form to discuss charge rates.
  6. When you have completed the form click on ‘Submit‘ (arrow 7).
    • You will then receive an email acknowledging your request (check your spam or junk folder carefully so as not to miss this).
    • Our hall administrator will review your request and confirm to you by email either accepting or declining the booking.

 Changing or Cancelling a Booking

Once you have submitted a request, you cannot change it using the online system: to change or cancel a booking, or to discuss any problems, please contact Dee Binnie via this form or ring Dee Binnie on 07776 474435.


Below are Hire Charges for Wootton Courtenay Village Hall.

Rates for Residents

Hall and coffee making facilities£6.50 per hour
Use of kitchen alone£5.00 per hour
In either of the above cases, where the use of the cookers and / or dishwasher is included there will be an additional one-off charge of £5.00 per booking for their use.
Residents’ parties.£65.00 all inclusive
Residents weddings£150.00 all inclusive

Rates for Non Residents

Hall and coffee making facilities£13.00 per hour
Use of kitchen alone£10.00 per hour
In either of the above cases, where the use of the cookers and / or dishwasher is included there will be an additional one-off charge of £10.00 per booking for their use.
Non-residents’ parties.£130.00 all inclusive
Non-residents weddings£300.00 all inclusive

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