Sustainable Wootton Courtenay: Energy Efficient Homes

The Sustainable Wootton Courtenay Committee has set up a small group, the Energy Efficiency Group, to offer support and information to those of us who are considering making our homes more energy efficient. With increasing energy prices and the need to reduce carbon emissions, we hope to be able to offer some support in the following ways.

  1. Setting up a database of relevant information, links to helpful organisations and contact details which will be held on the village website, with a hard copy in the shop.
  2. You will be invited to come to drop-in coffee mornings in the village hall to talk to villagers who have had recent experience of fitting insulation, solar panels, air and ground source heating and other forms of energy efficient heating. These occasions will give people a chance to discuss and ask questions in a relaxed and informal way.
  3. We are planning a series of occasional talks on sustainable energy. The subjects will depend on the needs and wishes of villagers, and the first introductory one will be held in September.
  4. We are looking at setting up an electricity tariff group with cost savings for people who join.

At present the Energy Efficiency Group consists of Andrew Dutton, James Macbeth,
Beate Fankhänel, Valerie Clapham and Peter Clapham. We are looking for more members, so if you have ideas and would like to join us, please get in touch with Peter on 841578.

We will be in touch again once we have the relevant information and a programme set up.

Peter Clapham