Thinking Allowed

Monday 10th June

The next meeting of Thinking Allowed will be on Monday 10th June in the Villagers’ Stores, 7-8pm with drinks available from 6.30pm.

If the weather is good, we will meet in the garden, enjoying a fine view over Exmoor as we reflect on human values and the direction in which we would like to see society move. The particular issue we shall be exploring is, ‘How can we engage with globalisation?’ We are living in a global village and so resisting globalisation may be compared to King Canute trying to hold the sea back: but that does not mean we have no control over the future of our lives and world. This is an important issue, not simply for us but for our children and grandchildren. As we face a General Election, where is it on the political agenda?

Some notes and a reminder will be posted later this week. As usual, all will be welcome.

Brian Castle
Mary Noble