Flower & Produce Show 2024

The Flower & Produce Show is Wootton Courtenay’s biggest annual event, and one of the most enjoyable. It is not necessarily winning prizes that is the thrill, it is taking part and adding to the benches full of exhibits which creates that wonderful atmosphere in the village hall and brings us all together!

The Schedules for this year’s Flower & Produce Show (Tuesday 6th August) will be in the Village Shop this Wednesday. Please come and collect one, don’t miss out. There are many different classes to suit everyone. If you don’t have much of a garden, you can bake, knit, sew, take photographs, and/or create a flower arrangement to enter for the Show. If you do have a garden, why not take a look at the schedule and think how many classes you might enter for the show.

Exhibitors’ Advice Sheets
This year, we are offering advice to exhibitors on what the judges hope to see when they assess your entries. This is just a friendly guide, intended to help entrants, not discourage them! Click here to read the advice sheet. There will also be a copy on display in the Villagers’ Stores.

Raffle Prizes
Could you donate a prize for the Flower Show Raffle? The raffle is an important part of the Flower Show and we have received some wonderful donations for prizes in the past. All donations are welcome – if you can help, please drop one off at the Villagers’ Stores next time you’re in there.

Winners’ Cups
A reminder to all those who won cups at the Flower and Produce Show last year: please have your cups engraved with your name and return them to the Villagers’ Stores by 1st July. Cups must be cleaned before returning.

NB: from this year’s Show onwards, the Gardening Club will cover the engraving costs for all winners. Cups will be gathered at the end of this year’s Show and engraved together, which will save money. However, this unfortunately doesn’t apply to last year’s winners.

The Flower & Produce Show provides the main source of income for the village Gardening Club. To find out how that money is used, take a look at the Club webpage by going to the heading ‘Clubs’ on the village website.

Don’t delay – pick up your copy of the Schedule this week. Good luck!

Ingrid Popplewell
Chairman, Flower & Produce Show