Photography Entries

Photography Entries for the Flower & Produce Show

Please get out your cameras or phones and start thinking about entries for the show. This year we are having an exhibition of photographs, not a judged competition. The photography cup will be awarded to the ‘People’s Choice’ image.

The categories are:
Church: inside or outside, or any detail. We have our own beautiful All Saints’ Church in WC so you don’t need to travel far for inspiration.
Coast: we have an amazing coastline with great sunsets and sunrises and lots going on, both on the water and on the beaches. The images can contain people and be about their activities.
Garden: be inspired by your own garden or a visit to a grander garden. This must be a vista or view, not a specific plant or group of plants. Again, it can contain people enjoying or working in the garden. It needs to clearly have the context of the garden.

Maximum number of entries per person is 3, and just one from each category.
Maximum size of image or mount is A4, please, so we have room for all the entries.
Images can be black and white or colour, and post processing is allowed to your taste.

The exhibition will be transferred to All Saints’ Church after the show so that we can go on enjoying the pictures, and of course also the church.

Ingrid Popplewell
(Chairman, Flower & Produce Show)